A Midsummer Night’s Dream

‘’The course of true love never did run smooth’’

In adapting ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream for Grade 5 students Mr. Jeremy Jones wrote a script, mainly in modern (albeit heightened) English, that maintained the integrity of the original, whilst testing and developing the students’ English ability.

For most, if not all of the students involved, this was their first experience of participating in a production of this level. They have all worked incredibly hard, in a very short space of time to bring this about, and have risen to the challenge amazingly. For them as second language learners of English, immersion in such a drama project as this is one of the best ways of exposing them to a sustained period of intensive idiomatic language usage, and will therefore prove extremely beneficial to their future language development.

Thank you Mr. Jeremy Jones (English Coordinator Grades 1-6) for this wonderful adaptation!

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